Thursday, February 26, 2015

SPAIN (and a wee bit of Science)

Good morning!

This Friday I leave you with materials so you can further study our two units before the test. Be careful, parents, because the answers to the exercises are here too :-) 

Natural Science Worksheets - Our Systems

Social Science Worksheets - Spain's Geography

You can also take a look at this PowerPoint presentation about Spain's Geography. It's in Spanish, to explain and reinforce the concepts and vocabulary in the book.

And now: review time:

Spain is located in the Iberian peninsula.

A peninsula is a piece of land bordered by water on three sides but connected to land on one side.

The Iberians were an ancient tribe that lived and ruled in the peninsula long time ago.

There are two different countries in the Iberian peninsula: one is Spain and the other  is our neighbour Portugal.

And this is how the Iberian peninsula can be seen from outer space.

Spain is politically divided into 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 Autonomous cities ( located in Africa: Ceuta and Melilla). All of them have a flag, a hymn, different traditions, even a different language but we all belong to the same country and share a lot in common.

Try to see if you already know its rivers and relief.



If you have already studied the map, try these games. Good luck !




Don´t miss this presentation about our beautiful country !!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


If we don't eat food, then our bodies don't work.

If we don't eat the right food, our bodies don't work as well as they can.

Healthy food gives our bodies the tools they need to:
  • healthy bodydo what we want to do
  • build bones and muscles
  • repair and replace worn out cells
  • keep all systems working
  • keep us healthy.
So it is really important that we give our bodies the right kinds of food to do the job.

Bread, cereal, rice, pasta and noodles group

This is the biggest group because you need to choose most of your daily food from here.
carbohydratesYou get:
  • carbohydrates (car-bow-hide-rayts), the food your body uses for energy.
  • B vitamins
  • some calcium (cal-see-um)
  • iron
  • fibre, which helps move the food along through your gut (intestines).
You need  5-9 servings of these every day (to find out more about servings have a look at the topic Balanced diet).

Vegetables and legumes

Look at the pie chart to find out what they are.
Lots of vegetables are very good for you, and there are lots of different ones around.
broccaliYou get:
You need 4 or 5 servings of these every day.


bananaThere are heaps of different fruits, including canned and dried, so it is pretty easy to eat plenty.

strawberryYou get:

  • vitamins
  • carbohydrates
  • fibre
  • minerals.

    You need  2 or 3 servings every day.

See how many apples the worm can eat - try the Nibbly game

Milk, yoghurt and cheese group

This group (sometimes called dairy products) is pretty important for growing kids.
milkcheeseYou get:
  • calcium
  • protein
  • vitamins
You need 2 to 4 servings every day.

Meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts and legumes

Did you notice that some of these foods were also in another group?
Well done!
barbequeThis group is just as important to keep you healthy, but you can see from the size of the serving on the plate that your body doesn't need as much from this group as the others.
'Poultry' just means chicken, turkey and other birds.
You get:
  • protein
  • iron
  • vitamins
  • minerals
You need a half to 2 servings from this group each day.
You will notice that two groups of foods have been left off the plate (Aaah, shame).
They are:

Fats and oils

Fats and oils are not in the healthy food circle.  They are down in one corner as foods that you need a bit of but not too much.
Your body still needs them, but they can be found in other foods like meat and dairy products.

Cakes, chips and lollies

cup cakeOf course most kids like these foods, but the truth is your body is not too keen on having lots of them. It only needs to use a little bit and the rest just sits around in all the wrong places!
So you should only eat a little bit and not very often - maybe at special times like parties or once a week.

Dr Kate says:

To eat a healthy diet:
Dr KateEat enough food from each group every day.
  • choose different kinds of foods from each group every day (it gets boring eating the same thing all the time doesn't it?)
  • eat plenty of plant foods (the three biggest groups).
  • eat some animal foods (meat and dairy products) or nuts and legumes if you are vegetarian.
  • eat little of the 'sometimes' foods.
  • drink lots of WATER!

Joke image         
What is a sea monster’s favourite dish? 
Fish and ships!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015



We have started our Social and Natural Science Units. Today you can take a look at our country and its relief. Also, in Science you can see a PowerPoint presentation about our systems, listen to a rap about our systems and see and experiment! Let's review and learn some more!


Click on the image to download a video on an experiment dealing with the size of our lungs:


Monday, February 16, 2015

Do you like broccoli?


We are ready to start a new unit in all areas in English, so today I bring you basic vocabulary to express like and dislike as well as the story for unit 5 in our English book. Start practicing offering food to people by looking at the grammar bit and also learn how to politely accept or decline offers:

Now you can practice these structures watching some videos first and playing some games after. Enjoy!